It was after Christmas, and I was walking through a crowded mall near Dallas - Fort Worth, Texas. I was looking at the people, and it seemed to me that behind their facades were stories, and perhaps, some secret songs.
As the Songs of Whales
They sing, you know.
Whales do.
We cannot hear them, but yet
They sing.
Songs of joy and songs of sadness,
Love lost,
Victory and defeat.
At least as whales know.
I passed through crowds today,
And realized...
Each was singing
A song I could not hear
With a meaning
I could not understand.
My ignorance
Does not make their songs
Less beautiful, important, or
To them.
Now I know I walk among
A sea of song,
Once in a while,
A song will make itself heard,
And I
Will be able to share the joy, or
Love, or
Love lost
Victory or defeat.
The singer understands the song,
And perhaps I will as well.
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